Principal's Message

Rosedale Nation-

I have never been more proud of educators than I am of the outstanding caregivers who bless our campus with their presence. Before arriving here in July, I thought I knew what it meant to be compassionate and inspirational until I could witness first-hand how magical Rosedale truly is. The kids are the most exceptional students I have ever encountered and deserve only the best from their teachers and staff.

I am honored to report that this is what they are being given each second of each day. These guys are the absolute best of the best and give more of themselves than any staff I have ever encountered. I am humbled by their poise, kindness, professionalism, and total devotion to our students. The people here are career caregivers and are all following their calling to ensure every person has the opportunity for success.

We love our students immensely and love the support y’all have for what we are doing. We also love seeing you here on campus, so please feel free to drop by when you are in the area to say “howdy” and to watch your student’s path toward independence in action. Any time students see that there is a connection between home and school, it only helps strengthen the work we all are doing.

The Raccoon Success Initiative: MASK

Each morning during announcements after the US and Texas pledges, we lead our students through the Raccoon Success Initiative, MASK. Its purpose is to set a positive tone for the day ahead and to remind us what it means to be a Rosedale Raccoon. We’re attaching it here so you can share it with your students at home as well.

M- Make somebody smile.

A- Always try your best.

S- Seek help when needed. 

K- Keep positive!

Thank you for reading, and thank you for entrusting us to take care of your student. We love what we do here in the hallowed halls of Rosedale and love the connection we get to make with each student and each of you throughout the year. Feel free to call, email, or even stop by whenever you have a question, concern, or kudos.