Rosedale Register February Edition

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Principal Nelson's Newsletter

February is the month of "Love."

As we continue our Rosedale journey together, we want to take a moment to reflect on something so simple yet profoundly important: the words “I love you.”

In our busy lives, we often focus on routines, therapies, and progress, but one of the most powerful things we can give our children is the reassurance of our love. You can never say “I love you” too much; no one ever hears it too often. These three words hold incredible power—they provide comfort, build confidence, and create a foundation of security for our children to flourish. Whether spoken, signed, written, or expressed through gestures, the message remains the same: you are valued, cherished, and deeply loved.

Let’s consciously say “I love you” every day—not just during special moments but also in quiet ones. Say it when your child is struggling, when they are succeeding, and even when no words are needed at all. These words remind our children that they are accepted precisely as they are and that our love is unconditional.

We love your students and show and tell them daily. We know every second counts and want to fill these seconds with as much love as we can muster.

Black History Month at Rosedale:

We're not only celebrating the month of Love here in the hallowed halls of Rosedale; we're also dedicating the month to commemorating and honoring the contributions of African Americans throughout history. Our goal is to not only teach about African Americans' history but also raise awareness and recognize their fight for freedom and equal opportunity. I'd like you to please read below for events planned here on campus and try to attend as many as possible.

Have a great month, and I hope to see you around!


Matthew Nelson



7505 Silvercrest Dr.

Austin, TX 78757

512-414-3617 ext. 70744 office
